UDance 2020
On Sunday 8th March 2020, Senior West Berkshire Youth Dance Company performed as part of UDance 2020 South East regional selection platform 'Make U.Dance' in Chatham, Kent.
The dance company made it through to this round over dance companies from the whole of the south east of England. Senior Westies were one of only eight youth dance companies selected to perform.
20 Senior Westies, aged 15-19, rehearsed weekly to perfect the chosen piece called 'Lost in a Crowd' based on the feeling of being alone, although you are surround by people. The piece was choreographed by artistic director Sarah Martin in collaboration with the dancers.

The panel of judges had this to say about their performance:
'The panel felt that the ensemble work was very strong and that there was a sense of unity with everyone working together. They commented that the dancers took ownership of the choreography and it really suited them as a group. Strong highlights included the pas de deux section, the use of stillness and the section in the line towards the end. The panel in particular referenced the strength of contact work that demonstrated trust between the dancers. The panel also noted that the group’s spatial awareness was very good. The panel commented that this was a clean, evidently well-rehearsed piece communicating a clear theme through the movement choices.'
Although Senior Westies weren't shortlisted for U.Dance National Festival 2020, their performance was beautiful and performed with energy and dedication. An amazing accomplishment to be one of the top eight dance companies in the whole South East of England.